The Art of Analog Photography

Portrait-, Alternative-, Sensual- & Artistic Nudes

Photographer holding Camera
Classic Black and White Analog Photography.
Film | Chemicals | Darkroom

After working as a full-time digital photographer for years, I started realizing, that this was not the way of photography that made me happy anymore. I started feeling more and more like a digital mass producer than an actual photographic artist.

I started generating some kind of antipathy against all that extreme beauty retouching and pretending to be over perfect stuff. Originally I wanted to show the real beauty of people and doing crazy and maybe some provoking art stuff. But what I did more and more was the total opposite.

That was the time when I decided to turn my back on to digital photography, to stop supporting this mass marked of over perfecting persons to an unreal level. There is so much beauty out there that really do not need any Photoshop. Also, I always loved the medium of photographic film, since in my opinion it fits my images the best and is a very honest medium. Also, I love the whole process from creating the idea, over preparing, shooting, experimenting, developing the film and finally creating a real hand made darkroom print.

Besides the fact that I have to work slower and much more careful with film, I especially enjoy having by far more time to get to know the person that I am shooting with. This deeper kind of relationship helps me to create even more honest and beautiful images.

Hand crafted images like in the good old times

have a look at the following images and videos to get an idea of my work.

It´s not just about the Shooting but about the whole process

The whole proces off creating an image, starting with the preparing all the way over the shoot to the final Product is a magic for it´s own.

Analog feels different!

Analog feels different, simply because it is something different.
A hand made analog image will always feel better than a simply digital file. It is something you can actually touch, the paper has it´s own characteristics and texture and don´t forget the unique film grain.